LogiMAT 2025 – Highly efficient Pull-Processes

Pull processes can be made much simpler and more efficient with the Integrated Kanban System. Used by companies worldwide, the E-Kanban software generates stable processes and the necessary transparency of the Kanban system in daily operations. The connection of various “front-end” hardware opens up even more possibilities for triggering replenishment.

The Integrated Kanban System (IKS) from manufactus GmbH, based in Germany, is a professional web-based E-Kanban solution that has been used by companies worldwide for more than 20 years.

Many of these customers had already been using a manual Kanban system with cards. The employees often struggled with typical problems of a classic Kanban system such as lost cards, late replenishment signals, lack of transparency and the few possibilities to record important key figures for optimization. In most cases, the Kanban processes were detached from the ERP system and bookings had to be made manually.

All of these weaknesses can be quickly and easily eliminated by using the IKS system. The E-Kanban solution provides direct access to all the necessary information, defines clear standard processes and enables Kanban dimensioning to be adapted quickly on the basis of historical or planned demand data. IKS is connected to the existing ERP system via a universal interface in order to automate booking processes and avoid manual entries.

In the past, (mobile) barcode readers were mostly used to record Kanban movements. However, many companies now also rely on so-called “Industrial Smart Watches”, such as those from manufactus partner NIMMSTA (https://nimmsta.com/), which significantly simplify and accelerate scanning and picking processes.

Other options for generating automatic Kanban signals are RFID, sensor-based systems such as toggle switches for the Kanban shelf or distance sensors, but also weighing systems that generate autonomous Kanban signals via weight measurement. Here too, manufactus and its partner TeDaLos (https://tedalos.net/) offer a wide range of solutions.

The classic manual Kanban system is increasingly becoming “E-Kanban 4.0”. The Integrated Kanban System is the central digital module for connecting Pull processes, new technologies and existing ERP or WMS systems and ensuring a continuous flow of information. Regardless of which hardware solution the customer prefers, they will always benefit from the extensive functionalities and advantages that the IKS system has been offering its customers for many years.

Further information is available on the Internet at www.manufactus.com or www.e-kanban.com.


Please visit manufactus and the E-Kanban system IKS at the LogiMAT fair 2025 in Building 5, Stand 5A11.


Press Contact:

Daniel Groß
manufactus GmbH
Wittelsbacherstrasse 6a
D-82319 Starnberg

Mobil: +49 (0) 163 – 8318030
E-Mail: daniel.gross@manufactus.com